FITS Headers


Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard             
BITPIX  =                   32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of data axes                            
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format defined in Astronomy and
COMMENT   Astrophysics Supplement Series v44/p363, v44/p371, v73/p359, v73/p365.
COMMENT   Contact the NASA Science Office of Standards and Technology for the   
COMMENT   FITS Definition document #100 and other FITS information.             
DATE    = '02/08/95'           / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy)             
COMMENT      FITS optional reserved keywords:                                   
DATE-MAP= '31/07/95'           /  Date when the sky maps were created           
ORIGIN  = 'CDAC    '           /  NASA Cosmology Data Analysis Center           
TELESCOP= 'COBE    '           /  Cosmic Background Explorer                    
INSTRUME= 'DMR     '           /  Differential Microwave Radiometers            
OBJECT  = 'ALL-SKY '           /                                                
EQUINOX =               2000.0 /                                                
REFERENC= 'C.L.Bennett, et al., 1995, COBE Preprint 95-04.' /                   
COMMENT     Other related references:                                           
COMMENT     'C.L.Bennett, et al., 1994, APJ, 436, 423.'                         
COMMENT     'G.F.Smoot, et al., 1992, APJ, 396, L1.'                            
COMMENT     'C.L.Bennett, et al., 1992a, APJ, 391, 466.'                        
COMMENT     'C.L.Bennett, et al., 1992b, APJ, 396, L7.'                         
COMMENT     'E.L.Wright, et al., 1992, APJ, 396, L13.'                          
COMMENT     'A.Kogut, et al., 1992, APJ, 401, 1.'                               
COMMENT     'G.F.Smoot, et al., 1990, APJ, 360, 685.'                           
COMMENT     'M.A.Janssen and S.Gulkis, 1992, in "The Infrared and Submillimeter 
COMMENT      Sky after COBE", eds. M.Signore and C.Dupraz (Dordrecht: Kluwer).' 
COMMENT     COBE/DMR specific keywords:                                         
CHAN_ID = '53      '           /  DMR Channel name                              
COMMENT     Channel name is one of 31A, 31B, 53A, 53B, 90A, 90B, COMBINED       
COMMENT     or 53, where COMBINED represents a combination of six channel       
COMMENT     maps, CHAN_ID=53 represents the various Galaxy model maps           
COMMENT     derived at 53 GHz frequency.                                        
COMMENT     The thermodynamic and antenna temperature scales are related by     
COMMENT     a frequency-dependent factor corresponding to the deviation of the  
COMMENT     Rayleigh-Jeans law from the Planck function.  See DMR calibration   
COMMENT     paper (Bennett et.al., 1992, APJ, 391, 466) for details.            
TEMPTYPE= 'ANTENNA '           /  Scale used for temperature fields,            
COMMENT                        / one of 'ANTENNA ' or 'THERMO  '                
FREQ    =              5.3E+10 /  Frequency in Hz to which data have been scaled
MAP_TYPE= 'DUST    '           /  Dust model map at 53 GHz                      
COORDSYS= 'G       '           /  Pixelization coordinate system                
COMMENT     Coordinate system is one of E = Ecliptic, G = Galactic,             
COMMENT     C = Celestial, i.e. Equatorial, or S = Special                      
PIXRESOL=                    6 /  Quad tree pixel resolution                    
DATE-BEG= '22/12/89'           /  Data set start date                           
JSTART  = '89356000000000'     /  Start time YYDDDHHMMSSHHH                     
DATE-END= '21/12/93'           /  Data set stop date                            
JSTOP   = '93355235959000'     /  Stop time YYDDDHHMMSSHHH                      
COMMENT     DATE-BEG and DATE-END give the date during which                    
COMMENT     the earliest and the latest data used in this product               
COMMENT     were obtained                                                       
COMMENT     JSTART and JSTOP delimit in a form expected by COBE software        
COMMENT     the interval of time during which the data used                     
COMMENT     in this product were obtained                                       
BASELINE= 'MEAN    '           /  Baseline used                                 


XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / Extension type is Binary Table                 
BITPIX  =                    8 / Binary data                                    
NAXIS   =                    2 / Data are in a table                            
NAXIS1  =                   40 / Number of 8 bit bytes in each row              
NAXIS2  =                 6144 / Number of rows                                 
PCOUNT  =                    0 / Number of bytes of data following table        
GCOUNT  =                    1 / Group count (always 1 for bintable extensions) 
TFIELDS =                   10 / Number of fields (columns) in the table        
COMMENT     DMR Analyzed Science Data Set FITS Skymap                           
EXTNAME = 'DMR_SKYMAP'         /  name of this binary table extension           
COMMENT     Pixel number                                                        
TFORM1  = '1J      '           /  data format of the field: 4-byte INTEGER      
TTYPE1  = 'PIXEL   '           /  entire fieldname = PIXEL                      
TUNIT1  = '        '           /                                                
COMMENT     Antenna temperature for this pixel in mK                            
TFORM2  = '1E      '           /  data format of the field: 4-byte REAL         
TTYPE2  = 'SIGNAL  '           /  entire fieldname = SIGNAL                     
TUNIT2  = 'mK      '           /  physical unit of field                        
COMMENT     Number of observations for this pixel, model map has number of      
COMMENT     observations set to 1 for each pixel.                               
TFORM3  = '1J      '           /  data format of the field: 4-byte INTEGER      
TTYPE3  = 'N_OBS   '           /  entire fieldname = N_OBS                      
TUNIT3  = '        '           /                                                
COMMENT     Estimated pixel uncertainty as RMS/SQRT(N_OBS),                     
COMMENT     model map has both RMS and N_OBS set to 1.                          
TFORM4  = '1E      '           /  data format of the field: 4-byte REAL         
TTYPE4  = 'SERROR  '           /  entire fieldname = SERROR                     
TUNIT4  = 'mK      '           /  physical unit of field                        
COMMENT     The following geometric quantities refer to the nominal             
COMMENT     pixel center, not the average of actual lines of sight.             
COMMENT     Ecliptic longitude of pixel center in degrees    (0, 360)           
TFORM5  = '1E      '           /  data format of the field: 4-byte REAL         
TTYPE5  = 'ECLON   '           /  entire fieldname = ECLON                      
TUNIT5  = 'DEGREES '           /  physical unit of field                        
COMMENT     Ecliptic latitude of pixel center in degrees     (-90, 90)          
TFORM6  = '1E      '           /  data format of the field: 4-byte REAL         
TTYPE6  = 'ECLAT   '           /  entire fieldname = ECLAT                      
TUNIT6  = 'DEGREES '           /  physical unit of field                        
COMMENT     Galactic longitude of pixel center in degrees    (0, 360)           
TFORM7  = '1E      '           /  data format of the field: 4-byte REAL         
TTYPE7  = 'GALON   '           /  entire fieldname = GALON                      
TUNIT7  = 'DEGREES '           /  physical unit of field                        
COMMENT     Galactic latitude of pixel center in degrees     (-90, 90)          
TFORM8  = '1E      '           /  data format of the field: 4-byte REAL         
TTYPE8  = 'GALAT   '           /  entire fieldname = GALAT                      
TUNIT8  = 'DEGREES '           /  physical unit of field                        
COMMENT     Right ascension of pixel center in degrees       (0, 360)           
TFORM9  = '1E      '           /  data format of the field: 4-byte REAL         
TTYPE9  = 'RA      '           /  entire fieldname = RA                         
TUNIT9  = 'DEGREES '           /  physical unit of field                        
COMMENT     Declination of pixel center in degrees           (-90, 90)          
TFORM10 = '1E      '           /  data format of the field: 4-byte REAL         
TTYPE10 = 'DEC     '           /  entire fieldname = DEC                        
TUNIT10 = 'DEGREES '           /  physical unit of field                        

A service of the HEASARC and of the Astrophysics Science Division at NASA/GSFC
Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
HEASARC Director: Dr. Alan P. Smale
LAMBDA Director: Dr. Eric R. Switzer
NASA Official: Dr. Eric R. Switzer
Web Curator: Mr. Michael R. Greason