FITS Headers


Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard             
BITPIX  =                   32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of data axes                            
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
DATE    = '2003-02-27'         / FITS file creation date ccyy-mm-dd             


XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / binary table extension                         
BITPIX  =                    8 / 8-bit bytes                                    
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table                     
NAXIS1  =                 4096 / width of table in bytes                        
NAXIS2  =                 3072 / number of rows in table                        
PCOUNT  =                    0 / size of special data area                      
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)              
TFIELDS =                    1 / number of fields in each row                   
COMMENT -----------------------------------------------                         
COMMENT Sky Map Pixelisation Specific Keywords                                  
COMMENT -----------------------------------------------                         
PIXTYPE = 'HEALPIX '           / HEALPIX Pixelisation                           
ORDERING= 'RING    '           / Pixel ordering scheme, either RING or NESTED   
NSIDE   =                  512 / Resolution parameter for HEALPIX               
FIRSTPIX=                    0 / First pixel # (0 based)                        
LASTPIX =              3145727 / Last pixel # (0 based)                         
COMMENT -----------------------------------------------                         
COMMENT Planck Simulation Specific Keywords                                     
COMMENT -----------------------------------------------                         
EXTNAME = 'SIMULATION'                                                          
CREATOR = 'SYNFAST '           / Software creating the FITS file                
VERSION = '1.2.0   '           / Version of the simulation software             
MAX-LPOL=                 1024 / Maximum multipole l used in map synthesis      
RANDSEED=                   -1 / Random generator seed                          
BEAM_LEG= 'File    '           / containing Legendre transform of symmetric beam
COMMENT -----------------------------------------------                         
COMMENT Data Description Specific Keywords                                      
COMMENT -----------------------------------------------                         
INDXSCHM= 'IMPLICIT'           / Indexing : IMPLICIT or EXPLICIT                
GRAIN   =                    0 / Grain of pixel indexing                        
COMMENT GRAIN=0 : no indexing of pixel data                         (IMPLICIT)  
COMMENT GRAIN=1 : 1 pixel index -> 1 pixel data                     (EXPLICIT)  
COMMENT GRAIN>1 : 1 pixel index -> data of GRAIN consecutive pixels (EXPLICIT)  
POLAR   =                    F / Polarisation included (True/False)             
TTYPE1  = 'TEMPERATURE'        / Temperature map                                
TFORM1  = '1024E   '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
TUNIT1  = 'unknown '           / map unit                                       
COMMENT *************************************                                   

A service of the HEASARC and of the Astrophysics Science Division at NASA/GSFC
Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
HEASARC Director: Dr. Alan P. Smale
LAMBDA Director: Dr. Eric R. Switzer
NASA Official: Dr. Eric R. Switzer
Web Curator: Mr. Michael R. Greason