FITS Headers


Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    T / Written by IDL:  Wed Nov 23 12:38:28 2011      
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                 3120 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                 3120 /                                                
DATE    = '2011-11-23'         / Creation UTC (CCCC-MM-DD) date of FITS header  
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy  
COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode 2001A&A...376..359H    
COMMENT This file contains a Fourier-domain noise PSD for the associated        
COMMENT SPT-SZ temperature map for the 220 GHz frequency band                   
COMMENT and the ra5h30dec-55 field observed during the 2008 season.             
COMMENT This PSD is for a subregion of the map covering approximately           
COMMENT one-ninth of the map area.  The center of the mask used for             
COMMENT defining the subregion is indicated in the X_CEN/Y_CEN and              
COMMENT RA_CEN/DEC_CEN keywords.  Pixel numbers assume a zero-indexed           
COMMENT array.  The units of this PSD are K and not K^2.  The Fourier-          
COMMENT domain grid in each dimension corresponds to 0, 2pi/(NT),               
COMMENT 2*2pi/(NT), ..., (N/2-1)*2pi/(NT), 2pi/(2T),-(N/2-1)*2pi/(NT),          
COMMENT ..., -2pi/(NT) where N is the number of elements and T is the           
COMMENT sampling interval in that dimension.                                    
COMMENT This file was produced for the first SPT data release.                  
TELESCOP= 'SPT (South Pole Telescope)' /                                        
REFERENC= 'Schaffer et al. 2011, ApJ, 743, 90' /                                
BAND    = '220 GHz '           /                                                
FIELD   = 'RA5H30DEC-55'       /                                                
X_CEN   =                  779 /x pixel location at center of mask for region   
Y_CEN   =                 2599 /y pixel location at center of mask for region   
RA_CEN  =              87.8218 /R.A. at center of mask for region               
RA_UNIT = 'deg     '           /                                                
DEC_CEN =             -50.5509 /Decl. at center of mask for region              
DEC_UNIT= 'deg     '           /                                                
RESO_K  =              27.6923 /k-space resolution of PSD grid                  
TTYPE   = 'TEMPERATURE'        /                                                
TUNIT   = 'K_CMB   '           /                                                

A service of the HEASARC and of the Astrophysics Science Division at NASA/GSFC
Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
HEASARC Director: Dr. Alan P. Smale
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